To this day, Vienna is regarded as the center of extraordinary desserts, which carry their success story and popularity out into the world. It is often not about special dishes that are made with many ingredients and extensive culinary knowledge.
“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” as the old saying goes, and a delicious meal that includes a tasty dessert is often a great way to resolve interpersonal disagreements. The expression “apples in a robe” will make all those who have never heard of it smile and ask: “Why is dessert called that?”
The name “Schlafrock” (robe ) reveals that it is a dish with a “shell”, which in this case consists of a batter carefully made from eggs, milk and flour. A dash of rum is added as a flavor enhancer. The batter must be well mixed and thick before the cored apple slices are dipped into it. The pieces are then baked in hot fat until golden brown. They are then placed on a serving plate and sprinkled with vanilla sugar to finish. Of course, it is also possible to remove only the core from a peeled apple and then fill it with almonds and nuts, or with fine jam or vanilla sauce. The stuffed apple is then wrapped in appropriately sized pieces of butter pastry and baked in the oven.
From the 18th century onwards, this dish, which was prepared in various ways, became a popular Viennese dessert.
Time Travel Tip: You don’t have to be a great baking and cooking talent to serve this light and wholesome dish as a tasty treat. Baking and cooking together with a select group of friends doesn’t just have to be a fun motto for the holidays.
Editor and picture: Michael Ellenbogen
Sources: in a robe, 1.3.2024
“Die gute Küche”, the cookbook of the “Illustrierte Kronenzeitung”
D. Dabis & Co, Vienna, 1950, page 139)